Payment Methods

-Zelle (MOST PREFERED / Feeless)
(310) 741-0217
-Deluxe eChecks (Preferred / Feeless)
Make out check to - MX inc
Email check to -
-Wire Transfer / ACH (Feeless on invoices over $1500)
Business Name: MX inc
Account Number: 157534027238
Routing Number: 122235821
800 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Business Address:
576 S Mills Rd
Ventura, CA 93003
-Note: If invoice is under $1500 there is a $15 incoming wire fee that needs to be added to your invoice total wires are mainly used for higher dollar transactions we cover the fee if over $1500 on invoice. Thank you
MineralX does not allow mailed checks of any kind.
Deluxe eChecks are easy to set up and cost LESS than a stamp per check for any transaction amount. This allows you to email a check instantly for pennies per transaction making mailed checks obsolete in comparison. Our goal is to get your items to you as fast as possible and echecks have greatly helped with that.
-NOTE: We understand it takes a couple days to set up eChecks.
Please send us an email if you're setting up a deluxe account and we will extend invoice due date an extra 3 days.
If you have any questions or concerns with eChecks they have a phone number on website link above to help. 
___________________________________ (Transferwise)
email to send payment:
-PayPal Goods/Services (Will cost you extra fees)
If shipping address does not match your address in PayPal payment we will refund and cancel transaction. Address MUST match no exceptions. 
USA: Bottom line invoice total x 4%
International: Bottom line invoice total x 5%
Calculate new total by multiplying invoice bottom line x 1.04 or 1.05
Send the new balance to:
If payment is not received or we are not contacted within 3 days of sale, Mineral Exchange withholds the right to void the invoice and deactivate account. 
Thank you for your business,
text: 310-741-0217